vSphere Update Manager 6.7 Unable to Scan Cluster
I recently deployed a couple new vSphere 6.7 labs and was having some issues running Check Compliance within Update Manager.
Any time I would check compliance of my cluster I was immediately given an “There are errors during the scan operation. Check the events and log files for details.” error.
After doing some searching, I was able to find the vSphere Update Manager log and see if I could isolate my issue.
tail -f /var/log/vmware/vmware-updatemgr/vum-server/vmware-vum-server-log4cpp.log
After tailing the log I was able to identify that the hosts were having issues accessing a certain bundle that existed in my Update Manager repository.
From my management machine, I was able to successfully browse to the URL http://ds-vcsa-03.cpbu.lab:9084/vum/repository/hostupdate/vmw/
and download the metadata.zip
However, from my ESXi Servers I was unable to access the Update Manager Repository. Turns out the old adage is true, its normally either the network, DNS or NTP. Turns out when the hosts were deployed they did not have DNS servers defined, so sometimes if you encounter issues we need to go back to the basics and make sure we have our base configuration set correctly.
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