I mentioned previously that there are many things I love about the Pure Storage Flasharray, but one of my favorite is how easy it is to integrate into different automation solutions. In this blog I will cover how to use Ansible to provision your Pure Storage Infrastructure.
Read MoreIn the midst of playing with Ansible and figured my most common use case would be executing powershell scripts on remote servers, so scavenged around and put this together.
Link to Git Project
Preparing to Execute the Script
This script assumes you have already installed and configured Ansible, downloaded the Git Repo and installed the WinRM python module.
Define your group variables. Create a hostgroup.yml file in this folder. This is where you specify the username, password and WinRM port to use. This file should mimit the host group …
Read MoreIn the midst of rolling out Cisco ACI, we have a need to automation creation of filters to apply to contracts. I tried to use the ACI-PowerTool for this task, however it doesnt seem to work with the newer code we are on. So I went back and attempted to use the ansible modules and it worked flawlessly, below is a sample playbook that will create a filter and add the associated filter entries. The below example are the required ports for Horizon View.
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