So today I successfully passed the VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6.5 – Data Center Virtualization Design Exam 3V0-624!
I had set a personal goal at the beginning of the year, that I would pass the VCAP6-DCV Design and unfortunately after months of studying I took it and failed in March. I was ready to give up based on the cost of the exam and the time i spent studying. However, I found out recently that a new version based on 6.5 was released in August and the Visio like design sections were dropped (which were the biggest pain), so I worked to acquire a voucher from work and decided …
Read MoreI am about to start down my path of studying for my VCAP6-DCV Design Exam. I figured I would throw up the blueprint and fill in each section as applicable. Either way here is the blueprint laid out for anyone who may benefit. This is it as of 7/25/16.
Section 1 – Create a vSphere Conceptual Design
Objective 1.1 – Gather and analyze business requirements
Skills and Abilities
Existing Content from VCAP5-DCD
Read MoreToday I took my VCAP6-DCV exam. This exam was announced with a two week availability in the US priced at $100.
My experience with the exam was actually pretty good. The new interface for the advanced exams is that of an HOL. You are dropped onto the desktop and have a window that slides in and out to pull up the manual and other consoles.
I would definately read up on Josh Andrew’s post about what to expect.
Read MoreIt is now VCAP6-Design study time! Here is my blueprint laid out, and hopefully will be populated with some content.
Section 1 – Create a vSphere Conceptual Design
Objective 1.1 – Gather and analyze business requirements
Skills and Abilities
- Associate a stakeholder with the information that needs to be collected.
- Utilize inventory and assessment data from a current environment to define a baseline state.
- Analyze customer interview data to explicitly define customer #### Objectives for a conceptual design.
- Determine customer priorities for defined #### Objectives.
- Ensure that Availability, …
Section 1 of the VCP6-DCV blueprint
Objective 1.1: Configure and Administer Role-based Access Control
Compare and contrast propagated and explicit permission assignments
- An example of a propagated permission:
- Most inventory objects inherit permissions from a single parent object in the hierarchy. For example, a datastore inherits permissions from either its parent datastore folder or parent data center. Virtual machines inherit permissions from both the parent virtual machine folder and the parent host, cluster, or resource pool simultaneously.
- An example of an explicit permission: …
- An example of a propagated permission:
Section 10 of the VCP6-DCV blueprint
Objective 10.1: Configure Advanced vSphere Virtual Machine Settings
- Determine how using a shared USB device impacts the environment
- Configure virtual machines for vGPUs, DirectPath I/O and SR-IOV
- Configure virtual machines for multicore vCPUs
- Differentiate virtual machine configuration settings
- Interpret virtual machine configuration files (.vmx) settings
- Enable/disable advanced virtual machine settings
Objective 10.2: Create and Manage a Multi-site Content Library
- Publish a content catalog
- Subscribe to a published catalog
- Determine which privileges are …
Section 2 of the VCP6-DCV blueprint
Objective 2.1: Configure Advanced Policies/Features and Verify Network Virtualization Implementation
Create/Delete a vSphere Distributed Switch
- In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to a data center.
- In the navigator, right-click the data center and select Distributed Switch > New Distributed Switch.
- In Name and Location, type a name for the new distributed switch, or accept the generated name, and click Next.
- In Select version, select a distributed switch version and click Next.
- In Edit Settings configure the distributed switch settings.
- Use the arrow …
Section 3 of the VCP6-DCV blueprint
Objective 3.1: Manage vSphere Storage Virtualization
- Discover new storage LUNs
- Configure FC/iSCSI/FCoE LUNs as ESXi boot devices
- Create an NFS share for use with vSphere
- Enable/Configure/Disable vCenter Server storage filters
- Configure/Edit hardware/dependent hardware initiators
- Enable/Disable software iSCSI initiator
- Configure/Edit software iSCSI initiator settings
- Configure iSCSI port binding
- Enable/Configure/Disable iSCSI CHAP
- Determine use cases for fiber channel zoning
- Compare and contrast array thin provisioning and virtual disk thin provisioning …
Section 4 of the VCP6-DCV blueprint
Objective 4.1: Perform ESXi Host and Virtual Machine Upgrades
- Configure download source(s)
- Setup UMDS to setup download repository
- Import ESXi images
- Create Baselines and/or Baseline groups
- Attach Baselines to vSphere objects
- Scan vSphere objects
- Stage patches & Extensions
- Remediate an object
- Upgrade a vSphere Distributed Switch
- Upgrade VMware Tools
- Upgrade Virtual Machine hardware
- Upgrade an ESXi Host using vCenter Update Manager
- Stage multiple ESXi Host upgrades
- Align appropriate baselines with target inventory objects.
Objective 4.2: Perform vCenter …
Read MoreSection 5 of the VCP6-DCV blueprint
Objective 5.1: Configure Advanced/Multilevel Resource Pools
- Understand/Apply
- Determine the effect of the Expandable Reservation parameter on resource allocation
- Create a resource pool hierarchical structure
- Configure custom resource pool attributes
- Determine how resource pools apply to vApps
- Describe vFlash architecture
- Create/Remove a Resource Pool
- Add/Remove virtual machines from a Resource Pool
- Create/Delete vFlash Resource Pool
- Assign vFlash resources to VMDKs
- Given a scenario, determine appropriate shares, reservations and limits for hierarchical …