During a failover, or whenever a datastore is re-signatured VMware will append snap-PREFIX-DataStoreName. In some cases, this will break automation, and in general you may not find your datastore! This blog will cover how to get Site Recovery Manager to rename the datastore to the original name after recovery.
Read MorePreviously I covered how to deploy the SRM appliance using PowerCLI, but as I started to tinker with Terraform I figured why not create a new blog post to document the process. Without the latest Terraform vSphere 1.20.0 Provider, this wouldnt be possible! Lets dive in and take a look on how we can do some appliance deployments.
Read MoreMy latest project was to rebuild one of my labs to run vSphere 7 and Site Recovery Manager 8.3. In my current role I am constantly am deploying new lab environments for certain demos. If i can avoid using a manual process for it I will, in this case I am showing how you can deploy the SRM OVF using PowerCLI.
Link to Script
Preparing to Execute the Script
The script is pretty straight forward, you will need to extract the SRM 8.3 ISO and fill in the appropriate variables on the script.
Read MoreI was trying to remove SRM 5.1 from our environment and kept getting an error that UAC must be disabled. Even though UAC was set to “Never Notify” SRM didnt like this.
To fully disable UAC run the following command from an elevated command prompt and then reboot the system.
1REG ADD “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System” /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
You can also avoid this by doing the uninstall as the builtin local administrator account
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