With all this talk about VMware vs KVM I figured that I would attempt to load a base install of KVM to see what it was all about.
Here is a quick vagrant runbook that will quickly get a 3 linux servers deployed and installed with KVM to play with.
There are 3 nodes..MGMT01,KVM01 and KVM02. I use MGMT01 VMM to manage KVM01 and KVM02.
The code can be found here.
Read MoreSo I am in the process of rolling out a new 2012R2 DHCP Server Cluster, and I thought i would share my scripts with the community.
I have also rolled it into a Vagrant package so you can easily test it on your own, and execute the scripts by themselves against your environment to deploy.
Here is a link to the GitHub repository containing all the code.
The code is also fairly simple, it pulls in data from a few .CSV files and deploy’s the servers, installs the roles, creates the scopes, creates MAC Address allow policies and then creates a couple reservations.
Read MoreSo as I was getting around to trying to get a host platform setup for a Jekyll blog I was looking at an alternative to GitHub Pages. I decided I would run it on Ubuntu Server using NGINX as the web platform.
Here is a quick vagrant runbook that will quickly get a linux server deployed and install NGINX to host your website.
The code can be found here.
The bootstrap_linux_nginx.sh file runs the following commands to install NGINX. You can add commands to your file to automatically create your configuration and sites to publish automatically. By default this will just bring up the default nginx …
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